Wednesday, December 24
Monday, December 22
Wednesday, December 10
Our Home: A Construction Site!
However, if I took a picture of our living room right now, it would look very different! It is currently taken over with baby things as my family and friends surprised me this Saturday with a baby shower. It was the most lovely shower ever! I just love my family and friends. Thanks to everyone, especially my families who did a lot of work to make it possible!! I love you all!!!
Monday, November 3
Our BIG Baby!

Here's our newest picture of our growing baby! We got our 2nd ultrasound about 4 weeks ago and then had another appointment last Wednesday. According to the doctor's, we have a very BIG baby so far! At our ultrasound they told us that our baby is currently in the 97th percentile. They said that they usually look for the baby to be somewhere around 50%! Then, last Wednesday, the doctor estimated the baby was measuring around 29 weeks...when I was 25 weeks! Maybe we will see this baby before we know it! I (Jess) know that my body is starting to feel the effects of the strain with a bit of lower back pain. Just for fun, here's a picture Josh took of me before we left for church yesterday.
Friday, September 26
Oh how I love My life!
The other week I (Josh) was at work in a major hospital when something electrifying happened. I was working on a snack machine installing this new part. Since the machines were crammed into a tiny room there was no way for me to get behind it to unplug it. So I decided, being the highly skilled technician that I am, that I would just wire it live. Now, it was only 110 volts, so it's not like I was taking my life in my own hands. However, I was on the bottom of the machine all the way in the back so only the bottom half of my body was hanging out of the back of the machine. And that's when suddenly someone PINCHED MY BUTT!! I immediately freaked in surprise and you guessed it. I touched the live wire, bouncing me inside the machine like a pinball. Much to my surprise the girl standing behind me was horrified when she figured out that I was not who she thought I was. We had a good laugh and went on our way. I can't help but wonder if I'm the only one that this ridiculous stuff happens to? Well, hope you got a laugh out of it. Feel free to leave me your good story if you've got one.
Wednesday, September 24
The Bathroom Remodel Cont...
Then, Josh and his dad laid the tile floor.
It is now very close to being finished. We have the NEW toilet ...
and NEW sink and light installed!!!
Very exciting!!!
Now we just need a couple more things -
a mirror, baseboard and a couple of accessories.
When it's complete, I plan on posting a before and after picture...
what a difference already! :)
Wednesday, July 16
... and Baby makes Three!

We're so excited to share with you our news that we are expecting a little one around February 11th of next year! We just went to the OB this morning for our first appointment and got to see the baby flipping around. According to the doctor, everything looks great, so we will continue to pray for a healthy pregnancy.
Tuesday, July 15
When it leaks, it pours
when he noticed a leak coming from our air conditioning unit. Because of the way the unit was installed, we would need to either remove the air conditioning unit (which Josh mentioned would be very expensive) or go through the bathroom wall. Since we had not redone the bathroom yet, but were planning on it, Josh decided to change plans and work on the bathroom. So, he and his brother, Jeremy, stripped the bathroom and tore down all of the drywall, proceeded to fix the leak (let's hope this doesn't happen again soon...), and then hung new drywall.
So, we'll be getting a newly remodeled bathroom sooner than we had thought! Josh is putting the finishing touches of spackle on the drywall and hopefully soon I'll have pictures of our newest room. I'm very excited about it, because we had done barely anything to both of our bathrooms. Maybe I'll have to find a leak in the other bathroom...
Wednesday, June 25
To all who care
Wednesday, June 4
Back to the blogging world

This is a funny picture we got one night when all the dogs got into the same crate. Reggie absolutely hates crates! But he knew that he'd only get stuck in one for good if he was the only one, so often he would go into Harley or Diesel's crate.
Wednesday, February 27
All in the family
Sunday, February 17
Tuesday, February 5
Presenting Reggie Pugsly Behe
We have a big piece of cardboard from our new stove that we have used for Diesel and Harley ever since we've had them. No matter how flimsy a position it's in, Diesel and Harley have never tried to get by it. In fact, sometimes, they almost seem scared of it. However, ever since Reggie's been with us, the cardboard piece is somewhat useless, as you can see in this video.
And yet another...
Monday, February 4
Josh and Diesel
Saturday, February 2
No News is Not Good News
Let's just say we had a crazy week! We had a soap explosion in the laundry room, aquired a new puppy, our Explorer got rear-ended and Diesel and Harley (our brother dogs) got in a fight which left Harley badly injured. By the way, this all happened between Wednesday night and Friday night. Interestingly enough, it all started with the soap explosion, which seemed awful at first. Looking back, that was the least of our worries! So, in this case, when I say a crazy week, I really mean it! :) Just a typical week in the life of the Behe's though, right? As Josh and I agree, it just adds all that much more spice to our lives! Never a dull moment here, anyway. Just remember to count your blessings and ask God for a whole lot of patience.
Sunday, January 27
A bit of humor from Josh
First story happened a couple of months ago. I was at work ( for those of you who don't know, I'm a field service mechanic for a vending company) at an account in king of Prussia. This building is very large with a lot of people working there. As I was leaving I decided to use the restroom. Upon walking in I saw the first stall was open and decided to use it. When I walked out of the stall and over to the sink I noticed a large bowl of women products sitting there. Immediately I thought to myself, that's a weird thing to have in the men's bathroom, then suddenly realizing that I was in the women's bathroom. Horrified I ran out and into the men's bathroom to wash my hands. Luckily for me, nobody was in the bathroom at the time. When I exited the building I had to call Jess because I was laughing so hard.
The second story just happened on Friday. I was again at work at an account in Norristown. For my work I drive a Chevy astro van with only two front windows. Immediately behind the drivers seat is a cage sectioning off the front of the van from the back. All of my tools and parts are in the back of the van. I climbed into the back of the van to get a part when the doors blew shut from the wind. My keys were in the door lock still. So I tried the side sliding door only to realize that the child safety lock must be on, because it wouldn't open from the inside. The back doors have no interior handles. So, there I was locked in my own van with no way out, thinking to myself, I have locked my keys in my van before, but never myself. Luckily the driver who fills the machines was in the account. I just called him and had him come outside and let me out. Unfortunately it still took him 15 minuets to walk out there.
Well hope you get a laugh out of my stupidity and I'll continue to post all of my stupidly funny things as they happen.
Monday, January 21
New Year, New Blog

Since we never sent out Christmas cards this year, we thought we would post some pictures from our Christmas' with our families. Hard to believe that January is more than half over!