Saturday, November 7
Jorja was a pretty good sport for getting all dressed up in this cute puppy outfit for Halloween night. Obviously when they are this little the only fun is really for the grownups, so we traipsed her around to all the grandparents! We wouldn't have minded making more stops, but Jorja would! She still hates her car seat. And the more she's in it, the fussier she gets! Josh and I got some good candy and treats out of it, though!

Pumpkin Carving
We had fun carving pumpkins again this year with Jynell...although we got it in just under the radar! :) We set up our table in the living room so that we would not have to miss any of the World Series.

Josh even got out his drill at one point in the carving. I think he only used it for the toes in the footprint.

And Jorja just had fun roaming around the room and under the table where we were carving away!

Here was the end result -- Josh's, mine and Jynell's

This one didn't come out real good. Josh carved "STINK" in the bottom which is Jorja's nickname and then of course, her footprints.
Josh even got out his drill at one point in the carving. I think he only used it for the toes in the footprint.
And Jorja just had fun roaming around the room and under the table where we were carving away!
Here was the end result -- Josh's, mine and Jynell's
This one didn't come out real good. Josh carved "STINK" in the bottom which is Jorja's nickname and then of course, her footprints.
I cheated with a printout of a face and Jynell was cheering on our team. Poor Phillies! :(
And then Jorja had tons of fun playing with the pumkins...
Thursday, August 6
Six Months Old!
It's hard to believe that Jorja is six months old today! How time flies! We're just having so much fun watching her grow and develop. She's rolling over, sitting up by herself, drinking from a sippy cup, eating rice cereal and talking, talking, talking! :) I'm always telling her that she's going to be a talker like her daddy!
There's nothing like the laughter from a child. And our little Jorja is no exception to us! Nighttime seems to be the best time to get her rolling and Josh and I have tons of fun doing whatever it takes to make her laugh.
This video is from a couple of months ago, though, when she just started to laugh out loud! Josh had the camera on video mode capturing me making a fool of myself to make Jorja laugh. Thankfully, he didn't get me in it. Unfortunately, it must have been pretty dark in the living room, because the quality is very poor, to say the least. But the most important thing is that you can hear Jorja's sweet, sweet laughter. Click here to see the video.
This video is from a couple of months ago, though, when she just started to laugh out loud! Josh had the camera on video mode capturing me making a fool of myself to make Jorja laugh. Thankfully, he didn't get me in it. Unfortunately, it must have been pretty dark in the living room, because the quality is very poor, to say the least. But the most important thing is that you can hear Jorja's sweet, sweet laughter. Click here to see the video.
Friday, April 10
World Travelers

My brother Tim should be in Italy by now. His plane left Philly around 6 last night. He's going to spend about 4 days touring around different parts of Italy with my dad and comes back Tuesday. I'm a bit jealous! I would love to go, too! Although it's much too short of a trip in my mind. Actually, I'm very happy for him - but hopefully, someday, Josh and I will make it over there. I love the time I've spent in Europe. Though, I haven't been to Italy yet. My dad sent us an email on Wednesday showing us where he's been staying in Italy. It looks absolutely beautiful!!!

And, it won't be long until Chelsea goes to Italy, too! Chelsea has an amazing opportunity to go over this summer to nanny for one of my dad's co-workers. She leaves in the beginning of July and doesn't come back till the middle of September. How fun is that?! Bet she'll come back with tons of cool stories!
Wednesday, April 8
Papa G meets Jorja Rose

Once again, I'm getting a little behind in posts...but what's new?! :)
I must have a newborn or something!
However, I just got these pictures from my sister and wanted to share. Because my dad had business in Italy for two and a half months, he was not able to be here for Jorja's birth. He came home for a long weekend though, in the beginning of March, to celebrate my sister Chelsea's birthday and to meet his granddaughter. He's coming home in a little while, but may be returning back again for another couple of months. Imagine my fright though, when I got on the computer Monday morning and saw the headline, "Earthquake in Italy kills 50." I quickly called my dad and was glad to hear that he was fine. My heart goes out to all of the people who were affected by the earthquake or who lost loved ones...especially because Monday morning I knew what that may have felt like. I love you, Dad!!!
Friday, March 20
Our Little Sleepy-head
Tuesday, March 17
Thursday, March 5
Tuesday, February 17
Thursday, February 5
Well, tomorrow is delivery day!
I will be going into Grandview Hospital tomorrow morning and am scheduled for a c-section around 11:30 a.m. We would appreciate any and all prayers. We're praying that everything goes smoothly and that the baby is healthy. We will soon be telling you all the news of our little one.
Interestingly enough, I had an ultrasound yesterday and the baby is measuring around 11 pounds. Granted, they do tell you that the accuracy goes down at the end of the pregnancy, so they did say that it was + or - 1 and 3/4 pounds. However, I think it will be very intersting to see what the baby actually weighs, after just hearing this 11 pound figure 2 days before the baby is actually here! Should be interesting!
How our lives are going to change in one day! :) Very exciting though!
I will be going into Grandview Hospital tomorrow morning and am scheduled for a c-section around 11:30 a.m. We would appreciate any and all prayers. We're praying that everything goes smoothly and that the baby is healthy. We will soon be telling you all the news of our little one.
Interestingly enough, I had an ultrasound yesterday and the baby is measuring around 11 pounds. Granted, they do tell you that the accuracy goes down at the end of the pregnancy, so they did say that it was + or - 1 and 3/4 pounds. However, I think it will be very intersting to see what the baby actually weighs, after just hearing this 11 pound figure 2 days before the baby is actually here! Should be interesting!
How our lives are going to change in one day! :) Very exciting though!
Friday, January 23
Josh Pregnant???
The last several Monday nights, Josh and I have been attending a Labor and Birth class through GrandView Hospital. I've been especially looking forward to the evening when the 'empathy belly' comes out. So, camera on hand, I and our childbirth instructor were able to capture some fun pictures of Josh, with a 35 pound pregnant belly on.
The first thing they put on is actually a band around the chest.
It's supposed to help the husband feel the lung constriction.
Josh actually said that this was the most annoying thing.
It reminded me of the smocks you had to wear in elementary art class.
Josh was the only one in the class that tried it on!
It was pretty hilarious seeing him with this on, but let me tell you, nothing could compare to wearing it for nine months.
Then, maybe, I'll call it an empathy belly.
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